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Events are subject to change. If times are not available yet, it probably means directors have not received a schedule from the host yet. For events such as Marching Band Competitions, it is common to receive a schedule only a week or so before the event. Click here to learn how to add the calendar to your iPhone or Android Device.

How to add the MN Band Calendar to your iPhone


Select and copy the address of the calendars you need below. Keep in mind - you probably need multiple (For example, many students are in "Varsity Competition Band" AND "9-12 Band").


On your homescreen, open “Settings”, then “Calendar”


Tap "Accounts"


Tap “Add Account” then choose “Other”


Select “Add Subscribed Calendar”, paste the address you copied earlier. You do not need a User Name or Password.


Hit save. The band calendar should now show up in your “Calendars” app!


9-12 Band Calendar -


Varsity Competition Band Calendar -


Concert Band (Exhibition Band Calendar -


Color Guard Calendar -


Percussion Calendar -

How to add the MN Band Calendar to your Android Device


This solution requires that you use the Google Calendar App on your Android Device.


On a computer – go to Make sure you are logged in with the same username as you use on your phone.


Near the bottom left side, click the plus sign on “Other Calendars” and choose “From URL”.


Paste the URLs you need into the box that opens and choose “Add Calendar”. You probably need multiple calendars (i.e. Many students in 9-12 Band are also in Varsity Band).


9-12 Band Calendar -


Varsity Competition Band Calendar -


Concert Band (Exhibition Band Calendar -


Color Guard Calendar -


Percussion Calendar -


The calendar is now stored in your calendar. It should be reflected on your phone within 12 hours.

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